St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School,
West Close Road, Barnoldswick
BB18 5EN

01282 813045

Mrs Beech at

Welcome to our school website. St. Joseph's is a GOOD school as rated by Ofsted in February 2023. We hope you find everything that you are looking for and much more! If you need any further information do not hesitate to contact school. Thank you.

Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies Newsletter - Spring 2023

Click on the link to find out all the fantastic things the Mini Vinnies have been doing.  CLICK HERE

Look at the good work our Mini Vinnies have completed during the Autumn term 2022

 Mini Vinnies Presentation St Jos.pptxDownload
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Mini Vinnies Leaders

Mrs Hargreaves and Mrs Balk lead our Mini Vinnies in school. They meet fortnightly to pray and decide which charities they would like to support during the year. They also make links with our local community and help others in need.

Mini Vinnies Penitential Service

our Mini Vinnies led a beautiful Penitential service for KS2 and Fr Phillip. They presented readings and reflections prior to the children going to confession.



Mini Vinnies visit Leeds Cathedral

Representatives from the Mini Vinnies travelled to Leeds Cathedral to celebrate Mass with other Catholic  schools in the Leeds Diocese.

Cancer Research 

The Mini Vinnies helped to organise a non uniform day where everyone could dress in pink, purple and blue.  Over £100 was raised for the Cancer Research charity.

Anointing of the Sick

The Mini Vinnies attended the Anointing of the Sick service. They did a wonderful job helping to serve the lunch and tidy away afterwards.

Bake Sale

The Mini Vinnies held a bake sale to raise money to help the refugee families who have recently arrived in the local area, several of the families are expecting babies soon. They made £44.50.

Additionally, they are collecting baby clothing and items for this cause. 

Mini Vinnies, ECool Club and Choir visit to Cravenside.

The Minnie Vinnies, members of the ECOol Club and the school choir visited Cravenside, where they delivered gifts for the residents and sang a selection of Christmas songs.