St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School,
West Close Road, Barnoldswick
BB18 5EN

01282 813045

Mrs Beech at

Welcome to our school website. St. Joseph's is a GOOD school as rated by Ofsted in February 2023. We hope you find everything that you are looking for and much more! If you need any further information do not hesitate to contact school. Thank you.

Class 4

 Newsletter-Class 4 Summer 2024 (1).pdfDownload
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If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 4 please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Hargreaves, the class teacher via Class Dojo.




Year 4 will focus on Place Value; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division; Fractions; 2D and 3D shape;

Y5 will focus on- Division, fractions, percentages, statistics, measurement Place Value, Written calculations, fractions, percentages, measures (mass, volume and capacity), area and volume of shapes



This term will be writing our own poems, based on “The River” by Valeri Bloom, connecting to our science learning. We will also be writing a narrative inspired by the story of “Float” by Daniel Miyares. We will also be looking at adverts and to help us with our persuasive writing.


Religious Education 

Our units of work will look at the life of the Risen Jesus and the mission of the Apostles. Our study of another faith will study the different denominations of Christianity.



Our topic is all about ‘States of Matter”. We will be studying the water cycle along with solids, liquids and gases.



We will be exploring personal identity, recognising individuality and different qualities of self.


Art & Design Technology

 Our Art topic is all about portraits. 

Our DT will be in Summer 2 when we will investigate frame structures to improve their stability.



We will start by finding out life in Britain before the Viking invasions and follow by learning about the invasion of the Vikings.  We will investigate life as a Viking in Britain and how England was unified.



We will continue learning all about a region in Europe with a focus on Catalonia looking at both human and physical features



The children will be learning to use repeated patterns in shapes and in Summer 2 they will be studying branching databases.


We will be using the concept of the Eurovision Song Contest to inspire us when writing original songs in French, using vocabulary from years 3 and 4, including rhyming sounds.


Physical Education

We will still be swimming on a Thursday until after half term

PE will be a Tuesday. Please ensure your child comes in their kit on these days and has the correct swimming kit. Pumps should be worn inside on PE days. Trainers remain in school at all times, so the class can use the track. Earrings and jewellery cannot be worn during PE or swimming sessions.



Home Learning

As we move on through the school home work in class 4 is an expectation and I would be grateful for your support. Each week your child will be given:

Please support your child with regular reading at home and ensure that there is a minimum of two signatures in your child’s reading record per week.

 At least 30 minutes a week on TTRS

 complete 7 Read Theories.

 Weekly spellings.



In class 4, we have enjoyed working out how electricity works and applied our learning in DT making our torches

Long Term Planning



Please find below an outline of the topics covered in your child's class. 

If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 4 please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Hargreaves, the class teacher.

 Class 4 Long Term Plan Cycle B 2023-24.pdfDownload
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 Long term plan Class 4 2024-25.pdfDownload
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