St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School,
West Close Road, Barnoldswick
BB18 5EN

01282 813045

Mrs Beech at

Welcome to our school website. St. Joseph's is a GOOD school as rated by Ofsted in February 2023. We hope you find everything that you are looking for and much more! If you need any further information do not hesitate to contact school. Thank you.

Mental Health


Meet our Mental Health Champions

At St Joseph's, we have three Wellbeing Champions. These three have taken part in a 'Young Mental Health Champions' seminar, alongside our PSHE lead, Miss Gill. Within the seminar they worked with other schools in Lancashire to develop their understanding of about mental health and how to support their peers. They currently work with Miss Gill to run a peer mentor Wellbeing group every fortnight. They also planned and helped deliver our Wellbeing Week in school.

Please find below a selection of leaflets for children and parents to help with mental wellbeing.

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 Be a Home Hero.pdfDownload
 BPS leaflet with developmental stages included.pdfDownload
 covibook MindHeart FOR PRIMARY AGED CYP.pdfDownload
 COVID-19 Wellbeing advice for families & CYP.pdfDownload
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Rainbow Feelings Pack

Click on the PDF file below to download an activity pack to help children talk about their worries and feelings. 

 RainbowFeelingsPack3 (1).pdfDownload
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Parent Zone - digital activities to boost children's wellbeing

Parent Zone have posted a variety of activities for half term.  Click here to visit the site

Axel Scheffler - Coronavirus book for children

Axel Scheffler, who illustrates the books by Julia Donaldson has created a book to explain the virus to older children. The book addresses some of the questions children might be asking about the coronavirus in a simple and child friendly way.   The book can be downloaded from the site or read on online. Click here to visit the website