St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School,
West Close Road, Barnoldswick
BB18 5EN

01282 813045

Mrs Beech at

Welcome to our school website. St. Joseph's is a GOOD school as rated by Ofsted in February 2023. We hope you find everything that you are looking for and much more! If you need any further information do not hesitate to contact school. Thank you.

Written Principles of Behaviour

St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School PRINCIPLES of Behaviour

This is a statement of principles, not practice.

Practical implications of these principles are the responsibility of the Head Teacher.

This statement is to be read in conjunction with the school behaviour policy and the home school agreement.

The Governing Body at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary school are involved in developing a caring and supportive atmosphere. We are committed to enabling all children to access education successfully. This is an “inclusive” process; part of this commitment is concerned with establishing a high standard of behaviour throughout the school. The way in which pupils and adults behave has a profound effect on all the work that is undertaken. Therefore a well thought out approach to this aspect contributes directly to both the social and learning aspects of our school.

We aim to create an atmosphere where children are able to develop a moral awareness and are sensitive to the needs of others and one in which they will show respect and consideration for other people and property.

We aim to praise and reward positive attitudes to behaviour and work and to maintain fairness and consistency, whilst encouraging self-discipline.

We recognise that high standards are best promoted when everyone (staff, parents and children) have a shared understanding of what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. By promoting good behaviour we can build individual and collective esteem and encourage good personal relationships.

  • Ensuring a safe, caring and happy school
  • Promoting good citizenship, good self-esteem, self-discipline and emotional intelligence
  • Preventing bullying.

PRINCIPLES of Behaviour

  • Every child has the right to learn but no child has the right to disrupt the learning of others.
  • Everyone has a right to be listened to, to be valued, to feel and be safe. Everyone must be protected from disruption or abuse.
  • The fundamental approach is a positive one, drawing attention to, rewarding good behaviour and mutual respect
  • Whole school approach to discipline with a clearly defined code of conduct.
  • It is expected that all adults (staff and volunteers) will set excellent examples to the children in all their work.
  • We will seek to give every child a sense of personal responsibility for his/her own actions.
  • Effective communication systems
  • Where there are significant concerns over a pupil’s behaviour we will share the strategies we use with parents; working on an active partnership to promote good behaviour.
  • Early support for developing problems.
  • Bad language is considered to be unacceptable behaviour
  • We will seek advice and support from appropriate outside agencies.
  • Staff will keep abreast of current issues and initiatives.
  • As the staff of the school we will constantly seek to inform ourselves of good practice and strategies to further improve behaviour and attitudes. This may be through periodicals and books, attendance on courses and advisory visits. It will be a high priority to disseminate such ideas throughout the staff.
  • Opportunities for responsibility and recognition for non- academic achievement.


The Governing Board also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.

This written statement of behaviour principles is reviewed and approved annually by the full governing body.