St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School,
West Close Road, Barnoldswick
BB18 5EN

01282 813045

Mrs Beech at

Welcome to our school website. St. Joseph's is a GOOD school as rated by Ofsted in February 2023. We hope you find everything that you are looking for and much more! If you need any further information do not hesitate to contact school. Thank you.

Class 5

 Class 5 News Summer Term 2024 Newsletter.pdfDownload
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If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 5 please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Gill, the class teacher via Class Dojo.


In our writing lessons, we will be looking at a variety of non-fiction, fiction and poetry, which will support reading skills and writing, commencing our first topic of the land of Pandora from Avatar. We will also continue to read ‘When the Sky Falls’ as our class novel. This will be supplemented with regular handwriting, spelling and grammar sessions.



The Year 6 children will be revising all parts of the KS2 curriculum in maths this half-term, in preparation for SATs. The Year 5 children will be looking at place value, decimals, measures (including statistics), geometry and the four operations.

Religious Education

We will be focusing on ‘Life in the Risen Lord’. In this unit the children will understand Jesus is risen from the dead and is present to us in different ways. They will hear the story of Jesus appearance to Mary of Magdala. They will have an opportunity to learn about different ways of praying and Jesus’ teaching and example of prayer.  




We will be learning about Evolution and Inheritance. This topic involves learning about adaptations of plants and animals; inheritance within parents and offspring; as well as evolution of species.



In the Summer Term, Class 5 will develop their skills in Excel to make databases



Physical Education 

Children will have outdoor PE on a Monday and Thursday in Summer 1. Swimming will be on Thursday in Summer 2. Please ensure your child comes in their PE kit on these days. Pumps/school shoes should be worn inside on school days. Trainers and pumps should be in school at all times, so the class can use the track.



In Summer, we will be researching the changing role of women




In Summer 2, children will be covering the Keeping Safe Unit: Keeping personal

information safe; increasing independence; managing transition, time online. Year 6 children will also cover the statutory curriculum based upon human reproduction and birth using TenTen resources.


Design and Technology

In Summer 1, we will be creating our own spaghetti Bolognese recipes and learning about the farm to food process.



In Summer 2, the children will be developing their skills in painting.




Each week, the class will receive homework via ClassDojo. This includes 30 mins of TTRS, regular reading, 10 Read Theories and a Maths based task on Year 6 will have revision as part of their homework


Welcome aboard the Titanic

Titantic day! Each child was given a real passenger to dress up as and to research about. And then we boarded the Titanic! They have loved finding out if their passenger survived and what class they were in. A fab day to start our History Topic this half-term.

Respect assembly

Class 5 delivered a whole school assembly on the virtue of 'Respect'. They planned it and decided each reading and prayer.

Long Term Planning



Please find below an outline of the topics covered in your child's class. 

If you wish to know further information relating to the curriculum in Class 5 please do not hesitate to speak to Miss Gill, the class teacher.

 Class 5 Long Term Plan Cycle B 2023-24.pdfDownload
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 Class 5 Long Term Plan Cycle A.pdfDownload
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