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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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The Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Curriculum 

Our English Subject Lead is Mrs Dixon



English - Our vision

At St. Joseph’s, we aim for all our children to become confident readers, writers and clear communicators.

We aim for pupils to be able to:

  • read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding, developing a range of independent strategies to self-monitor and correct in the drafting and editing process.
  • have an interest in books and read for enjoyment, becoming enthusiastic and reflective readers.
  • have an interest in words, their meanings; developing a growing vocabulary in spoken and written forms.
  • understand a range of text types and genres – be able to write in a variety of styles and forms appropriate to the situation/audience.
  • be developing the powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness.
  • have a suitable technical vocabulary to articulate their responses.


We believe that reading is one of the most important life skills, allowing children the independence to access a full and rich curriculum. We strive for all children to enjoy and value it reading. It is our aim to develop confident, enthusiastic and passionate readers for life.


To develop each child’s fluency, confidence and enjoyment of reading. The children are encouraged to acquire a love of books and to develop a respect for them. We aim to use books to stimulate the child’s imagination. As children progress through the school we aim for children to continue to develop their love of reading for pleasure. Children will also develop their comprehension and inference skills.


Children are introduced to the conventions of books, left to right, regarding the illustrations as an integral part to the story, turning the pages singly etc. Illustrations are used to develop comprehension skills


Reading is taught initially through rigorous, sequential and pacy sessions using the “Read, Write, Inc.” Phonics scheme.

Shared Reading

In Key Stage One Shared reading takes place within the English lesson using the “Read, Write Inc.” scheme. The teacher reads the text to the whole group as an expert reader. Children then read the text with a partner to build fluency. In Key Stage 2 quality texts are used to underpin our English Units.

Guided Reading

Guided reading sessions are timetabled into the school day.

Key Stage One

Guided reading forms part of the daily English sessions.

Key Stage Two

Daily whole class guided reading sessions takes place in classes 3 to 5.

Home Reading

In EYFS and KS1 children take home reading books based on their reading level. The children change their books on set days dependent on their ability group. We expect children to read each evening at home with their families, rereading the familiar texts to develop fluency and comprehension skills.

The graded reading scheme continues in Key Stage Two. Children take home a scheme book, which they choose themselves.  Children progress to self-selecting their own book, beyond the scheme. Children are also encouraged to record when they have read in their own reading record books. A full range of reading genres are offered. Children may also choose a book from the KS2 library.

Reading for Pleasure

Each class has a designated Reading Corner which is an engaging environment to stimulate children during quiet reading time. These books are ‘real’ stories with interesting themes which can stimulate points for discussion.

Each Class has regular timetabled “Reading for Pleasure” sessions where a class story or novel is read and shared by the teacher to the whole class.

Many exciting and rewarding activities are arranged in school to promote the pleasure and knowledge that can be gained from reading. Some of these events include:

World Book Day initiatives.

Fabulous Book Awards (Y6)

Brilliant Book Awards (Y2)

Reading Buddies

Visits by published authors and skilled story tellers

In-school performances by professional theatre group


The children will develop both their spoken language and reading skills enabling to become enthusiastic, confident and independent learners.

Progression in Reading.pdf


We believe that the mastery of written language is one of the most powerful gifts that we can provide to our children. We believe that writing should be purposeful, rich and enjoyable for all.


To develop the child’s growing ability to construct and convey meaning in written language. To teach the children the skills of handwriting, producing clear, consistent, correctly formed.  handwriting. As children progress through the school we aim to extend the children’s experiences in learning to write in various ways for different purposes and audiences.


Writing will sometimes be factual, sometimes imaginative and sometimes based on children’s own experiences. Writing will be used to write in a variety of ways for example, to write recounts and reports of investigations, trips or visitors to school. Children’s work is discussed and used to draw attention to purpose, style, presentation, grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Children will experience writing across a wide range of genres, including.


  • Stories
  • Diaries
  • Play scripts
  • Letters


  • Reports
  • Recounts
  • Explanations
  • Instructions / Lists
  • Arguments / Persuasive
  • Letters

Children learn through the continued use of both scaffolded/modelled writing and independent writing within English lessons.

Shared Writing

Shared writing takes place within the English lesson; the teacher models the writing process to the whole class as an expert writer, articulating the process. The children join in individually or through partner work, with the writing, where appropriate.


Handwriting is a priority.  Handwriting is timetabled into the school day, concentrating on correct letter formation and presentation of writing.


In Year One children are taught Grammar within the English lesson.  From Year Two Grammar is taught discretely to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.  Lessons are scheduled into the school week. Children are given the opportunity within their English lessons to demonstrate their learning at age related expectations.  


From Year 2 onwards spellings are taught discretely by year group. Children complete tasks to build upon teaching in a work book - independent study involves word building, word changing. In addition to spelling rules, the children are also taught the National Curriculum Word Lists for Years 3 &4 and Years 5 &6.


Having experienced these different types of writing we hope that children will:

  1. Derive an interest and pleasure from writing
  2. Express their feelings in writing.
  3. Show logical thought in planning and editing.
  4. Be able to direct and instruct through writing.
  5. Write for a clear purpose.
  6. Write for a variety of audiences.
  7. Transmit information.
  8. Write coherently.
  9. Write imaginatively.


Progression in Writing 2022.pdf

Progression in Grammar.pdf

Please click to view the Long Term Plan


English Long Term Plan 24-25.pdf